Become An Officer
Ohio's Officer Program and Long Standing Prestige:
Ohio has a long standing history of training officers to be their best; the officer program in Ohio is designed to provide unique opportunities to students that want to be leaders.
The Purpose of the SkillsUSA Ohio Officer Program is to ensure Ohio has the best representation and quality officers possible to serve as ambassadors for the state organization, not only in local communities and schools, but on a State Level. In order for Ohio to have proper representation, it is necessary to ensure properly and prepared candidates to complete the year of service that is required by the officers. Ohio’s Officer program will provide a greater understanding of the organization in order to expand students’ opportunities, duties, and responsibilities prior to conferences and provide greater professional development opportunities for Officers to serve as ambassadors for the organization and themselves.

Expectations and Eligibility
STATE OFFICERS 2024 - 2025
Arianna Miller
Fort Hayes Career Center
Deanna Rodeheffer
Upper Valley Career Center
Diego Martinez
Jaden robinson
Cuyahoga Valley Career Center
Elin Walters
Buckeye Hills Career Center
Molly Green
Wayne County JVS
Weston Helman
Ohio Hi-Point Career Center

Levels of Officers in Ohio

Regional Officers are elected to serve their local school district, chapter or classroom and their selected region (regions are decided by the CTEP organization and SkillsUSA Ohio in relation to demographics and geographic location). Ohio has 5 regions- Northeast, Central, Northwest, Southeast, and Southwest. These officers are the ambassadors and leaders of SkillsUSA Ohio on the Regional Level. Officers are elected during Fall Leadership Conference during their respective Regional Delegate Assemblies (number of delegates for each district is determined by the previous year’s membership). 9 Officers are elected from each region and all officers are elected as a “Slate” meaning that no officer titles are chosen through election; Regional Officers simply run for Regional Office. Roles of the Regional Officers and special invitations will be determined based on the assets, skills, and interests of each student; the goal is to ensure that all students get the most out of their Regional Officer experience while representing SkillsUSA Ohio to the best of their ability. A President and a Vice President will be chosen at the annual Regional Officer’s Training Institute by vote of the team, the State Advisors/Chaperones on the trip and the Officer Trainer, State Director and Board President. Regional Officers do not begin their term in office until January, after their training has been completed. The Regional Officer Training Institute (ROTI) takes place in Columbus, Ohio. where officers receive leadership training, learn to work together as a team, advocate to our legislators about SkillsUSA and Career and Technical Education. Officers also earn the Regional Officer Statesman Award, get a chance to visit our Capitol Building. Once they return from their training they serve as regional ambassadors, doing school and industry visits as needed in their Region. Officers are also expected to interact with and promote SkillsUSA to local school boards and community leaders. These students are also their as a resource in their local school districts and should help plan the chapter activities and work with local officers to make their own chapter successful.
*Fall Leadership Conference – (November)–
Those students who successfully complete the Spring Semester, may be invited back the following year to participate during fall conference in the Regional Elections
*Regional Officer Training Institute (Third week of January -MLK Week)–
Receive training on how to become Regional Officer and other professional development opportunities.
*Respective Regional Competitions (February/March)–
Work with Regional Advisors assigned to their region to perform Awards Ceremony and assist with making the conference a success.
*Regional Ambassador and Resource for the Region (On-going)
*SkillsUSA Ohio State Championships- (April)–
Assist when possible in an advanced courtesy corps role, if officer is not competing or participating in the Delegate Assembly.
*Presenter/Facilitator at Fall Conference–
Those students who qualify and are interested in being presenters/facilitators at Fall Conference will be invited to attend a Fall Leadership Retreat in September to properly prepare them for their role and provide an added leadership experiences.
*Summer Camp Group Leader/Asst. Group Leader–
Those officers that have previously attended camp may be eligible to become Group Leaders and those that are underclassmen and are attending camp for the first time may be eligible to become Asst. Group Leaders.

*State Officer’s Retreat – Second week of June –
Receive training on becoming a state officer and other professional development opportunities, including interaction with business and industry partners. Assist in training National Voting Delegates and Candidates while learning how to lead the National Delegation in Louisville, KY.
*Ohio National Prep Conference –Friday of State Officer’s Retreat–
Meet National Voting delegates and learn responsibilities of National Conference
*National Leadership and Skills Conference- Last week of June –
Attend National Conference in Atlanta, GA, and serve as leaders for Ohio Delegation and National Officer Candidates. Select leadership opportunities may also be included during this conference.
*Summer Leadership Campference – Third week of July–
Perform all ceremonies at Summer Camp while providing training to students on various topics to be decided at State Officer Retreat. Serve as Assistant Group Leaders. Interact and serve as ambassadors with peers.
*Fall Retreat- (1 evening & 1 day late Sept/Early Oct)–
Preparation for fall leadership conference, presentation and script work.
*Fall Leadership Conference – First or Second Week of November
Lead and facilitate fall conference including opening ceremony. Select Officers will be assigned presentations for students and advisors.
*Winter Retreat- 1 day in December–
End of year wrap up and coming year planning
*Goodwill Tour-Year Long/Selected Dates –
Serve as student Ambassadors to visit different schools and business and industry partners in order to educate and promote SkillsUSA.
*Regional Officer Training Institute (ROTI) – January- MLK Week –
Regional Officer Training in Washington D.C. Serve as leaders and facilitators for training regional officers. Serve as ambassadors with National Office. Any officer that does not attend WLTI will be required to attend ROTI.
*Regional Competitions – February/March–
Work with Regional Advisors assigned to their region to perform Awards Ceremony and assist with making the conference a success.
*SkillsUSA Ohio State Championship (5 days in April/May)–
Serve as courtesy corps, working with state staff and regional advisors to set up and maintain the conference Lead State Delegate Assembly, perform opening ceremony, and provide advance courtesy corps roles as assigned, elect and install new team of officers.
*SkillsUSA Ohio Board Meetings- Quarterly–
1 day report to SkillsUSA Ohio Board of Directors.
*CTEP Meeting and Report-October & March–
1 day report to CTEP about SkillsUSA
*Washington Leadership Training Institute (WLTI)- September –
Officers will be given the opportunity to apply with the State Director for a unique leadership experience provided by the SkillsUSA National program.

*State Officer’s Retreat – Second week of June (Thursday and Friday) –
*Ohio National Prep Conference –Friday of State Officer’s Retreat–
Meet National Voting delegates and learn responsibilities of National Conference
*National Leadership and Skills Conference- Last week of June –
Attend National Conference in Atlanta, GA and serve as leaders for Ohio Delegation and National Officer Candidates. Select leadership opportunities may also be included during this conference.
*Summer Leadership Campference – Third week of July (If it does not conflict with N.O. training–
Perform all ceremonies at Summer Camp while providing training to students on various topics to be decided at State Officer Retreat. Serve as Assistant Group Leaders. Interact and serve as ambassadors with peers.
*Fall Retreat- (1 evening & 1 day late Sept/Early Oct)–
Preparation for fall leadership conference, presentation and script work
*Fall Leadership Conference – First or Second Week of November
Lead and facilitate fall conference including opening ceremony. Select Officers will be assigned presentations for students and advisors.
*Regional Officer Training Institute (ROTI) – January- MLK Week –
Regional Officer Training in Washington D.C. Serve as leaders and facilitators for training regional officers. Serve as ambassadors with National Office. Any officer that does not attend WLTI will be required to attend ROTI
*Regional Competitions – February/March–
Work with Regional Advisors assigned to their region to perform Awards Ceremony and assist with making the conference a success.
*SkillsUSA Ohio State Championship (5 days in April/May)–
Serve as courtesy corps, working with state staff and regional advisors to set up and maintain the conference Lead State Delegate Assembly, perform opening ceremony, and provide advance courtesy corps roles as assigned, elect and install new team of officers.
*SkillsUSA Ohio Board Meetings- Quarterly–
1 day report to SkillsUSA Ohio Board of Directors.
*CTEP Meeting and Report-October & March–
1 day report to CTEP about SkillsUSA

SkillsUSA Ohio Office:
2550 Corporate Exchange Drive, Suite 115
Columbus, OH 43231
Ohio Department of Education and Workforce:
25 S. Front St MS #608
Columbus, OH 43215