
SkillsUSA Ohio
State Championships Staff

The SkillsUSA Ohio State Championships Staff was developed to create a sustainable staffing plan for the SkillsUSA Ohio State Championships. This program is structured to provide support for our SkillsUSA Ohio Contest Coordinators and Technical Committees to ensure the State Championships are the Premier Career and Technical Showcase for Ohio. This program utilizes educators, administrators and alumni to support the logistical processes of the State Championships and to serve as the points of contact for each of the career pathways.

Structure and Selection Process

The SkillsUSA Ohio State Championships staff is comprised of 35-50 educators, administrators, alumni, or business and industry partners looking to have a solution-based approach to all aspects of the Championships. These individuals are titled as “Hall Supervisors” or “Hall Leaders”, or “Pod Supervisors” or “Pod Leaders”. There is also a select team of alumni or business and industry partners selected to work on the scoring, grievance, registration teams, dock or courtesy corps teams. Each individual has specific assigned duties and lists of expectations, as well as, communication expectations. State Staff will be selected from an application and interview process. The application must be signed by the applicant’s administration, acknowledging that time out of the classroom will be required. A State Staff member’s term will be 3 years and may be extended if both parties (SkillsUSA Ohio and the State Staff member) wish to continue. The initial interview will be conducted by current State Staff and the SkillsUSA Ohio State Director, follow up group interviews may be scheduled based on group dynamics. Every new State Staff member will be assigned a mentor (current state staff) to help them learn the process and begin to get an in-depth understanding of SkillsUSA Ohio.


State Staff Members are expected to uphold the SkillsUSA Ohio Code of Conduct at all times, to serve exclusively as SkillsUSA Ohio State Staff at Mandatory Events (Minimal to no school responsibilities) and to attend the following programs:


Fall State Staff Meeting and Planning Session

(1 day)

State Staff and Stakeholder Planning Meeting



State Conference


(4 days)

*Roles at all of these conferences will be determined based on the assets, skills, and interests of each advisor; the goal is to ensure that we are providing the best experience for all of the members of SkillsUSA Ohio.*